JOHN FARR Plumbing & Heating | Licensed Plumber |

Are you in Queens, NY and got a gas meter shut-off ? Gas shutdown violations happen when the Department of Buildings determines that the gas lines, gas meters, or gas appliances in your residential building are not up to code.

Reasons for a Gas Shutdown in Queens NY

Gas shutdown typically take place after an inspector has identified a potentially dangerous situation. Dangerous circumstances include:

Gas lines with illegal fittings and not up to code

You might have a gas leak if it smells like rotten eggs or if you should hear a hissing noise

Improper gas appliance ventilation.

No permits have been pulled for gas appliances

Risks Associated with Incorrectly Installed Gas Pipes and Appliances

It is exceedingly dangerous to have gas appliances and pipes that have been incorrectly installed.

Explosions and fires

Gas leaks

Suffocation with Carbon Monoxide

How do you get a Gas Shutdown violation in Queens NY

If the gas company or DOB notices anything illegal. A homeowner, neighbor, or visitor may have noticed the dangerous situation and called the New York Department of Buildings. 

How to Respond to the Gas Shutdowns in Queens NY

Read your violation notice carefully after you receive it. It will include information such as the infraction’s date, the building where it happened, the type of violation, and the deadline for correction. It might even include a hearing date. You must show up if the infraction does have a hearing date.

Correcting Gas Shutdowns in Queens NY with John Farr Licensed Master Plumber

John Farr can assist you if you have gotten a gas shutdown violation and had your gas switched off. For more than 30 years, John has fixed gas line infractions in Queens and other areas in New York. When speaking with John Farr he will:

Describe the solution to your gas problem.

Make a time to meet.

Choose a plan of action to solve the issue.

Obtain the necessary permits.

Fix the issue and make sure the gas lines adhere to the most recent NYC construction requirements.

Supply you with all the documentation required for submitting the Certificate of Correction to the NYC DOB.

To get your gas shutdowns corrected in Queens NY or if you need help correcting OATH violations for plumbing systems, including gas and water, John Farr can help. To get John Farr’s DOB plumbing violations removal service and bring your building back up to code and for assistance with illegal basement violations, gas company violations, gas boiler violations, or any NYC Department of Buildings plumbing violations in NYC, call John Farr at 917-324-2535.

A NY plumbing violation document