JOHN FARR Plumbing & Heating | Licensed Plumber |

If you are seeking a service for any Illegal Plumbing Fixtures Violations removal in New York City you have come to the right person,
John Farr.

You should be concerned if you aren’t already, about the unlawful plumbing fixtures in your NYC building. NYC DOB [Department of buildings] violations and significant fines may result from using illegal plumbing fittings. You risk losing your building’s occupancy permit if serious infractions occur or if they are not immediately addressed. As a result, it’s crucial to confirm that a qualified master plumber like John Farr has inspected all plumbing work in your building.

What Is an Illegal Plumbing Fixture in NYC?

A plumbing fixture that has been installed without a permit or in an unpermitted location, such as a cellar, is considered illegal. It might also be a subpar plumbing item that doesn’t adhere to New York City’s building code regulations.

  • Kitchen and bathroom renovations must have a permit.
  • Areas Where Plumbing Fixtures Are Not Allowed – Bathrooms and kitchens cannot be installed in basements or attics. if there are just one or two families residing in the home, a cellar cannot be converted into a residential rental unit but may contain a bathroom only if an Architect can get it approved. Additionally, before the areas are transformed into rental flats with furnishings, attic conversions must be licensed and the blueprints must be approved.
  • Poorly made fixtures In NYC homes, low-quality fixtures constructed of inferior materials are not permitted. Prior to installation, always confirm that all plumbing pipes, bathroom, and kitchen fixtures adhere to all applicable building codes.

What Happens if You Get an Illegal Plumbing Fixture Violation in NYC?

Regular inspections of construction projects and renovations frequently uncover illegal plumbing fixture issues. This might also happen if someone calls to report a potential building code violation. In both situations, an inspector visits the location and examines the area that might be in violation. A notice describing the location of the building, the type of violation discovered there, and the deadline for the problem’s resolution will be sent to the building owner if there is a violation of the building code.

A hearing date may be included in the violation. If a hearing date is set, attending is required. The owner shall appear at the hearing in person or through such a representative as the owner may designate.

Remedying Illegal Plumbing Fixtures violations with John Farr.

John Farr can assist you in resolving any illegal plumbing violations you could encounter in NYC. He is a certified master plumber who has spent more than 30 years addressing DOB plumbing violations for water and gas lines and fixtures.

Call John Farr at 917-324-2535 to get your HPD, OATH, illegal basement, gas company, gas boiler, or other plumbing and gas building violations in NYC rectified or eliminated.