JOHN FARR Plumbing & Heating | Licensed Plumber |


Understanding Limited Alteration Applications (LAA Permits)

Limited Alteration Applications (LAA Permits) are used exclusively by licensed master plumbers, licensed oil burner installer and licensed master fire suppression piping contractors in order to install or replace water, gas and fire suppression pipes.   LAA Permit Basics  The department of NYC Buildings requires LAA permits for small plumbing jobs

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How to Remove a Stop Work Order in NYC 

How to Remove a Stop Work Order in NYC Has your property recently received a stop work order? Stop work orders are issued by the Department of Buildings for a variety of reasons, including not having a permit and working in unsafe conditions. Reasons Stop Work Orders Are Issued There

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Improving Workplace Safety with OSHA Training

Did you know that New York City requires certain construction workers and their supervisors to complete OSHA 10training? This particular law took effect on July 18, 2018, and is known as Labor Law 220-h. This training course is essential and required because you do not want your plumbing or general

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